Non-profit Organisation


The MANA Organisation is a new non-profit initiative, founded in 2018 based on the personal experience of one of the founding members who has faced breast cancer and defeated it. Through this personal path, many difficult and serious issues were identified which are mainly affecting the everyday life. The MANA Organisation has created a structure called the “House of MANA” which is appropriately equipped to support and provide specialised care to women diagnosed with breast cancer or any form of gynaecological cancer, always respecting patients’ need for absolute discretion and confidentiality.

The goal and key elements that identifies the “House of MANA” is to make every woman affected by the disease feel that:
– Care is offered and adapted to her own special needs.
– Specialists are contactable and available to offer support concerning her health issues.
Sharing, caring and emotional support are provided to be reconnected again to the positive side of life.


Our vision is to inspire hope and will to women affected by breast cancer or any form of gynaecological cancer. To help them see the positive part of life, by learning to love their selves and by strengthening their bond and relationship with friends and family.
The House of MANA is a warm home where harmony and recomfort create a calm and loving care environment away from anxiety and social pressure due to the disease.


The MANA Organisation aims to support every woman with breast or any form of gynaecological cancer, by providing free care services that will help her overcome and reconnect to her normal life before the diagnosis.


Α. To inform about breast cancer and all forms of gynaecological cancer, such as the uterus, cervix, ovaries, etc., through experiential seminars and self-examination seminars to educate and enhance the prevention of cancer.

Β. To raise awareness among the public about breast cancer and any form of gynaecological cancer, such as uterus, cervix, ovaries etc., through conferences and speeches by specialised health professionals.

C. To offer care services from specialized health professionals free of charge to every woman diagnosed with breast cancer or any form of gynaecological cancer, such as:

Psychological – Psychosocial Counceling & Support

Her psychology, her positive thinking and her return to a harmonious relationship with herself will be strengthened through services such as psychological support, psychotherapy, drama therapy, life coaching, etc.

Physiotherapy Consulting & Support

It will help in the physical recovery of the body of the woman who has already undergone a partial or total mastectomy.

Nutrition Advice

Counselling adapted to the specific nutritional needs of each woman and preparation of personalised nutrition programs.

Yoga, Pilates, Meditation, Exercise, Dance, Dance Therapy, Theater Art Classes And Other Physical And Mental Exercise Programs 

They offer physical exercise, relaxation and tranquillity, elements important for an optimal recovery.

Face and Body Care Services

Indicatively we mention, among others, facial and body care, make-up lessons and seminars as well as support for the restoration of hair loss after chemotherapy. Specialised professionals offer free personalised face and body care to improve the appearance and
boost the morale of women.

Creative Classes

So far, the women of MANA have attended classes in natural soap making, painting, handicrafts and decoration, and cooking, which offer them creative knowledge, joy, and relaxation.

Visits / Guided Tours to Museums and Cultural Sites – Participations in Sports Activities

The ladies of MANA enjoy various cultural activities such as: attending theatrical performances, film screenings and guided museum tours. Moreover, the MANA Team (ladies, volunteers, and employees) actively participates in athletic events and races such as
the Marathon, Race For The Cure etc.

Seminars Related to Breast Cancer and Every Gynaecological Cancer

Seminars by specialised health partners, but also on other topics, such as experiential seminars, beauty, and make-up seminars, etc.

Book Club and Lending Library

Book club, with the participation of invited guests related to each book’s reading and discussion topics.

Computer and Web Browsing Seminars

Seminars aimed at educating the women of MANA and acquiring self-service skills for daily needs, when required.

Conducting Free Genetic Tests

From time to time, free genetic testing is carried out in collaboration with the Rector of the University of Athens, Professor Mr. Dimopoulos, and the Alexandra Hospital in order to assess heredity and to adjust the treatment regimen for women with breast cancer and any gynaecological cancer.

Free preventive dental check-ups & oral surgery services

Free preventive dental check-ups and oral surgery services at the University Clinic of Oral Surgery, located at the Athens School of Dentistry and the “Evangelismos” Hospital.

Free Cardiological & Heart Triplex Examination

Free cardiological and heart triplex examination, performed by our volunteer Dr. Georgios Plakogiannakis, at his private clinic.


We started the operation of MANA in January 2018, offering a package of free services to women with breast cancer and any gynecological cancer, which until then had not been implemented in Greece.

Gradually, women began to try our services and to see over time the improvement in the quality of their lives. By word of mouth, the provision of MANA’s free services spread, and thus more and more women began to come, resulting in a continuous increase in the number of benefiting women.

MANA offers its services continuously throughout the year and on a weekly basis, resulting in a constant increase in the hours of free services.

During the pandemic, MANA did not stop its operation for a single day, offering its services online. In this way, the women were able to stay in touch with MANA and the beneficial effect of the provided services on their lives was not interrupted. In total, more than 4000 hours were offered during the pandemic.

Today MANA offers its services online to the women of the region and to those who for medical reasons are unable to move.


Since the beginning of MANA’s operation, MANA has been staffed by many volunteers offering high-level support services tirelessly and with particular zeal.

Our volunteers generously continue to care for all women with breast cancer and any gynecological cancer by coming to the MANA House, while others remain available in their clinics to always provide their services free of charge. There are volunteers who have been with us since the beginning and are the pillars of MANA’s operation. What a chance to have them always by our side! We thank them deeply.

In addition, some women who came to MANA asking for services after a period became volunteers themselves and now offer these services to the new women.

Psychological-Psychotherapeutic-Psychosocial Counseling & Support, Physiotherapy Counseling & Support, Nutritional Advice from specialized nutritionists, Physical and Mental Exercise Programs, Face & Body Care Services, make-up learning as well as support for restoring hair loss after chemotherapy, Creative Programs of employment, Visits / Guided tours to museums and cultural sites, Participation in sports activities, Seminars related to breast cancer and all forms of gynecological cancer, Book club and lending library, Computer learning and Internet browsing seminars, Conducting free genetic testing, Realization of a free dental and maxillofacial surgery check-up, Theater art classes, Realization of free cardiac check-up.

The women of MANA particularly enjoy all the above services, emphasizing the services, which are mainly aimed at their mental well-being and the care of their external appearance. Our latest services offered to the ladies are personal life coaching sessions and art workshops.


We started the operation of MANA in January 2018, offering a package of free services to women with breast cancer and any gynecological cancer, which until then had not been implemented in Greece.

Gradually, women began to try our services and to see over time the improvement in the quality of their lives. By word of mouth, the provision of MANA’s free services spread, and thus more and more women began to come, resulting in a continuous increase in the number of benefiting women.


MANA offers its services continuously throughout the year and on a weekly basis, resulting in a constant increase in the hours of free services.

During the pandemic, MANA did not stop its operation for a single day, offering its services online. In this way, the women were able to stay in touch with MANA and the beneficial effect of the provided services on their lives was not interrupted. In total, more than 4000 hours were offered during the pandemic.

Today MANA offers its services online to the women of the region and to those who for medical reasons are unable to move.


Since the beginning of MANA’s operation, MANA has been staffed by many volunteers offering high-level support services tirelessly and with particular zeal.

Our volunteers generously continue to care for all women with breast cancer and any gynecological cancer by coming to the MANA House, while others remain available in their clinics to always provide their services free of charge. There are volunteers who have been with us since the beginning and are the pillars of MANA’s operation. What a chance to have them always by our side! We thank them deeply.

In addition, some women who came to MANA asking for services after a period became volunteers themselves and now offer these services to the new women.


Psychological-Psychotherapeutic-Psychosocial Counseling & Support, Physiotherapy Counseling & Support, Nutritional Advice from specialized nutritionists, Physical and Mental Exercise Programs, Face & Body Care Services, make-up learning as well as support for restoring hair loss after chemotherapy, Creative Programs of employment, Visits / Guided tours to museums and cultural sites, Participation in sports activities, Seminars related to breast cancer and all forms of gynecological cancer, Book club and lending library, Computer learning and Internet browsing seminars, Conducting free genetic testing, Realization of a free dental and maxillofacial surgery check-up, Theater art classes, Realization of free cardiac check-up

The women of MANA particularly enjoy all the above services, emphasizing the services, which are mainly aimed at their mental well-being and the care of their external appearance. Our latest services offered to the ladies are personal life coaching sessions and art workshops.